Safety Policies

Animals in the daycare
There isn't pets in the home Daycare, however, Little Seeds Home Daycare has the right to add or remove animals (pets) from the daycare/home without notice.

Jewelery and Hair Ties Jewelry
Please refrain from putting jewelry on your child. If you must have your child wear earrings they MUST lock. If the jewelry falls off or your child removes it, it becomes a choking hazard.  If I find jewelry that does not lock on your child I hold the right to terminate care.

Hair Ties and other Hair Accessories: Your child can only use hair ties, clips etc that will not fall out or be removed by your child. These items are choking hazards. If your child comes with hair accessories that can fall out or be removed by your child I hold the right to terminate care.

I will not take responsibility for any lost jewelry or hair accessories.

Outside Toys/Blankets/Soothers etc.
If your child needs a special toy, blanket or a soother to help him/her to fall asleep at quiet/nap time they may have it as long as it is labeled.
The items must remain in their bags until quiet/nap time and go back in their bag after it is over.

This will help prevent the items from getting broken or lost.

I do not take responsibility for lost or broken items brought into the daycare. You bring them in at your own risk.

Make sure you...
Parents are required to check their child's pockets before entering the day care to make sure the child does not bring anything into the day care. If coins or small objects are found on your child on a regular bases I have the right to terminate your child's care to protect the safety of the little ones.

I will be more than happy to help with the potty training. The Potty training is not something we do to a child, or ask the child to do to please us.    Using the toilet is something a child wants to do when he is ready, for himself. It is a natural process that is best led completely by the child with our support.

It is safest to relax, remain patient and allow the child to tell us every time he wants to go to the toilet on his own. The process of self-training can take months. Disruptions in the child’s life (a new sibling, traveling etc) are generally not good times to start. Many times is necessary keep diapers or pull-ups available well after training seems finished.

Parents are asked to initiate the training at home (on vacation or weekend) before starting it at daycare

Step 1: Is your child really ready?

  1. Does your child communicate a need to go to the bathroom to other adults? YES ___  NO___
  2. Can your child use a potty unassisted?                                                             YES___  NO___    get on and off a potty by him/herself - undress him/herself (pull pants up and down) As a caregiver I am watching more then one child at a time. I can not always assist a child at the potty.
  3. Does your child stay dry for at least two hours at a time?   YES___ NO__                                                           
  4. Does your child show interest in going to the bathroom?    YES__ NO__   does he/she follow you into the bathroom and want to sit on the potty/toilet?       
  5. Does your child understand what the toilet is for?   YES _____    NO_____                                                        -  does he/she ask to be changed when wet or dirty?
  6. Does your child have regular bowel movements with soft, formed stools? YES ___    NO__ 
  7. Does your child seem to recognize at least a few seconds ahead of time that he/she has to go, and can tell you before it happens?  YES _____    NO_____   
  8. Is your child in a willing receptive mood?   YES _____    NO_____                                                      -  If your child is going through or about to go through within the next 3 months a major transition,  such as: a new baby arriving/ has arrived, starting school, moving, etc.                       These and other major transition can delay or degrees training.  
  9. Does your child show a desire to be independent?  YES _____    NO_____   
If your child meets at least 7 of these criteria then your child is ready to try training.
If there are any major transitions in your child's life now or within the next 3 months I would wait until your child can adjust.
Some fully trained children have been know to degrees back into diaper when under stress.
If your child meets 6 or less of these criteria, wait a month or two and re-evaluate.
Please keep in mind that every child develops at their own rate.  Please don't push "your readiness" on your child, it can do more harm then good.

Step 2: Let your Caregiver now. 
Please make sure that you let me know when you are going to start toilet training at home. 
Also please keep me up to date on the progress.

Step 3: Starting Training 
Toilet training should be done at home over a long weekend or holiday.
Once your child has been trained successfully at home for at lest 4 weeks, your child may begin wearing pull-ups here at daycare.

Please keep in mind that with caring for 5 young children I will more often then not have time to be rinsing out soiled clothes.  Therefore all solid clothes will be contained in a plastic bag to be taken home each evening by parents.  
The more feces is 'handled' the chances of cross contamination of ecoli and other feces born diseases to myself and the children so all I do is what is NEEDED to make the child clean, safe and comfortable.

Please send your child in clothing that is comfortable and easy for your child to remove independently. (No  overalls, tights/leggings or multiple buttons etc.)

You must provide me with:

  1. At least 2 complete changes of your child's clothing (this includes socks)
  2. One extra pair of shoes
Under NO circumstances will your child be allowed to potty-train in regular underwear.

This is for sanitary reasons. regular underwear can not contain urine and feces to prevent the spread of gems in my home, to other children in my care, and to my family and pets. Please cooperate with me on this matter.
If within 2 to 3 weeks, your child shows no signs of progress, I reserve the right to put your child back in diapers and try again at a later date.

Step 4: Wearing underwear to daycare 
Your child can stop wearing pull-ups and start wearing underwear ONLY when I have said so in writing.

If at any time after your child has been fully trained at daycare and he/she has an accident, I reserve the right to start the training process here at care all over again. In other word they will have to go back into pull-ups.

Once I have given your child permission to wear his/her underwear to daycare you must provide me with :

Pull-ups for naps or other extended periods until I say otherwise.
